Sunday, June 22, 2008

Getting ready to go

Ok. So, after about a month of waiting, we're finally up and running with a return trip to Haiti! YAY!

All the funds came in and we're looking at tickets for Wednesday or Thursday of this week. (still working on finalizing the tickets) Thanks for all your interest and prayers and support! I'm so excited to go and I feel like the timing will be just right. I've got a bunch of materials from my mom, a teacher, for the English classes. I'm most excited about the mini-chalkboards. Yes, that's right, mini-chalkboards. And I got a bunch of books about winter and snow, etc. (in case you're geographically challenged, they don't have that in Haiti) and I'm really looking forward to using those as well. And the picture cards, here's hoping we've got some visual learners!

So here's where you can help us out - - if you've learned a second (or third or fourth) language and have any fun drills, exercises, games, etc that helped you learn in the very elementary stages, can you let us know in the comment section below? We're trying to make this as fun and beneficial as possible, so leave your suggestions and help us out!

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