Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's an upgrade.

Welcome to my 'new' blog page! I finally got some time to re-vamp the ol' blog and it's looking goooood. In fact. it's looking like I might actually use it now that there's space for things other than just posts. Those are sometimes the most boring part of a blog, I think.

Instead, now there's a twitter feed on the side, see? -->

No laughing...that's pretty technical for me. And i realized I can put up pictures and videos! And I can post quotes from the books that I'm reading! I know that makes me sound like an 80 year old, but hey, maybe I'm a little bit behind the curve? That's okay. Slowly but surely. If there's anything else that I can do with this thing you guys should let me know and soon it will be The Greatest Blog In The World. Or at least maybe just a little bit better than before since I actually want to use it now.

The internets are amazing!