Sunday, January 11, 2009

What to be happy for

I got back from Haiti again on Thursday and have been adjusting back to life here again for the last few days. Its always so much harder to adjust to US life than to Haitian life. There's more to analyze, I think - because it makes you look at your life and your home culture under a microscope. I end up thinking- 'what can I cut out; what don't I need;how do I make my lifestyle less self-focused?'

These are the things that I keep learning more and more each time I go and come back:

-I don't need all of this stuff that I have
-I have grown into the habit of putting my wants over other peoples needs, without even knowing I was doing so - but I can change that
-ignorance is bliss, because knowledge carries responsibility
- the things I do have are a huge blessing from God
-I have to be a good steward of the blessings and opportunities He has given me
-my heart is very much for social justice and for Haiti

And this is what I woke up being happy for this morning:
-I have a bed and blankets to sleep on
-I had food for breakfast waiting for me upstairs
-I have an intricate support system of friends, family, and mentors around me
-I am healthy
Praise the Lord, right!?

1 comment:

Leah said...

:) Yeah! Praise the Lord!