Saturday, July 11, 2009

Very Different Summers

This past week marked the 4th of July, and all weekend long I couldn't help but think about where I was last year. Sarah and I had been in Petit Goave, Haiti for about a week last year when the 4th rolled around; we spent it playing with the kids who lived next door to us - substituting dollar store flying discs for fireworks.

Though this summer is very different in circumstance, my heart is pulled toward Haiti just as much as ever. I'm currently in a one-year leadership program at my church here in DC. As school came to a close this spring I thought and prayed a lot about going straight to Haiti after graduation. The result of that was an overwhelming feeling that I should wait. I am willing to get up and go whenever the doors open, but for now I know that God wants to prepare me more before jumping in. In the long run, the more equipped I am to work there, the better the relationship will be in the long run. So I decided to take this leadership program at my church, which will allow me to see what it is like to not only work in a church, but also see what it is like to start a church, which is what I will be helping with this year.

While I am waiting to see what the next step will be, I plan to help further the relationship between the college ministry here and World Hope Haiti as a volunteer. There 's a possibility that I may be doing a few different things. Some of the options I'm currently considering are grad school (though I'm not sure what degree yet...), going to Haiti, working with a church, working with an NGO/NPO, etc. Pretty much I want to do whatever I can to prepare myself to get to Haiti as soon as possible!

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