Sunday, September 28, 2008

from 6/29/08

I'm sitting at the table near the kitchen window writing this while rain is POURING down outside. It's only 6pm but its so stormy that there's just enough light to see (the electricity is out) and it's great. Right now we have to figure out how to find something to eat in the dark...maybe we'll move at each lightening flash. Thank God we have a good house though, because there are palm branches falling down everywhere and a mini-river that's started up right in the middle of the property, in between the top of the compound and the sea. And it's the rain ripping thigns up, there's no wind at all! I've never in my life been in rain that's this strong. It's like instead of just falling down, it's being thrown down to the earth...pretty powerful and awesome to see.

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